Best Mattress for Couples: Talalay Latex with Dual Adjustable Firmness
The exclusive FloBeds Latex Dual Adjustable Firmness provides each sleeper with their own firmness. Make your side of the mattress JUST RIGHT.
Dual Adjustable Firmness
Not every person sleeps the same. It’s the fact FloBeds was built around! This principle also makes picking a mattress as a couple a massive task. Does your partner like it hot while you like it cold? One of you toss and turn? Every couple has different preferences, but those disagreements shouldn’t extend to your mattress. Our exclusive Dual Adjustable Firmness provides each sleeper with their own firmness that can be adjusted to make your side of the mattress JUST RIGHT. And if you don’t get it Just Right, we offer you a 100 Nite Money Back Guarantee.
As we age, we get more sensitive to a restless or tossing and turning partner. FloBeds has been solving this issue for couples for 20 years. Back in 1997 FloBeds developed a bed that each person could adjust the mattress firmness on their side. And FloBeds fixed it withoutleaky air cells. Instead, they took the best mattress material in the world, Talalay, and created a layered and adjustable firmness mattress. Then we took it to a whole new comfort level with the “Goldilocks Guarantee,” letting you switch for a softer or firmer core as your needs change. FloBeds General Manager Dewey Turner said it succinctly: “Everyone should have the right to be a Goldilocks, making sure their bed is ‘Just Right’”. FloBeds customers agree: The FloBed is the “Best Mattress for Couples”.
Under our 2-inch comfort pad of pure convoluted latex, each sleeper has two or three layers of Talalay latex cores in the firmness combination best suited for your body. By bracketing the firmness you think is right for you (for instance we might make your side firm/extra-firm and your partner’s medium/firm) we guarantee you will get the comfort and support your body deserves.
Our Guide to Selecting the Best Mattress For Couples
What Type of Material Makes the Best Mattress for Couples?
Adjustable firmness beds are widely considered the best mattresses for couples. This makes adjustable air-cell mattresses seem appealing — just use the attached pump to increase or decrease the firmness as you need! It sounds great…until you have to sleep on one for an extended period. Pump malfunctions, leaks, the “trench effect”, unwanted deflation, none of it makes for a good experience. Add to the list that you will never get the same contouring support properties of natural latex and air cell options look worse and worse.
What then? Do you have to know exactly the firmness you want for both you and your partner the day you buy your dual firmness mattress? Our Goldilocks guarantee lets you change your firmness anytime during the 20-year life of your mattress. Need a little extra support? We simply swap out your all-natural Talalay latex core for the core of your desired firmness. Under the Goldilocks Guarantee, you can order up to two additional firmness cores for up to 5 years for only $75. And then, for the next 15 years, as life happens, you can order additional cores to adjust your FloBed to your life at a prorated price.
You CAN have the best of both worlds. No trench effect, no leaky air cells. Just cool, breathable, environmentally friendly, customized comfort for you and your partner.
For a demonstration of how you can adjust your firmness, check out our Natural Latex Mattress build-bed page.
What Size Bed is Best for Couples?
A full size (53” x 75”) mattress can work for many couples, but keep in mind that’s only a foot wider than a twin. Most couples opt for at least a queen size mattress (60” x 80”), or an even larger king size (76” x 80”) mattress.
Flobeds can make any size, any model into a dual firmness mattress. Whether you opt for a traditional queen or a California king, we can ensure that both you and your partner get custom fit support. Does your partner’s lumbar, shoulder, or hip pain keep them rolling around restless at night? Our V-zone model allows for even more specific customization for each portion of your unique relationship’s unique needs. Couples everywhere have found their sleep needs met in the utter comfort of our all-natural Talalay mattress cores,
We’re Plus-Size. What’s the Best Mattress for Heavy Couples?
Talalay Latex. While many heavy people like memory foam mattresses, Talalay latex’s durability and consistency make it a clear winner. It’s firm, responsive, strong, and doesn’t leave a weightier person feeling “absorbed” by the bed.
One’s weight is always a key factor to consider when purchasing a mattress. Often cheaper mattresses will break down after just a few months if they aren’t the quality needed for a big guy or portly individual. Springs bend, foam compresses, and your overall comfort is diminished. Our Talalay latex cores, on the other hand, are produced with a twenty-year life in mind – no matter your weight. Check out our Big & Tall Mattress for extra flexibility.
The FloBeds Difference
Life is too short to sleep on a cheap mattress! At FloBeds, we know how you want to sleep, and will offer the customization to get you there — as an individual, as a couple, now, and in the future. Build yours today!